The theatre. The stage. The platform which brings together people from all walks of life; the opportunity to hold a mirror up to life itself. As members of an audience, we are invited to reflect. As performers, we are invited to reimagine. No matter what our role has been in a production – cast or crew, onstage or backstage, lead or ensemble, actor or prompt – we are encouraged to continually learn.
Many a Sri Lankan theatre enthusiast begins their foray into the world of theatre with tributes to the Bard himself. COLD Theatre 7 brings together performance enthusiasts from all across the island, several of whom began their journey of learning, in similar fashion.

With our revamped logo, we endeavoured to pay tribute to the Bard, incorporating elements of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (an aerial view of sorts) while blending minimalist yet meaningful elements of C,T and of course, 7. While the symbolic C(abbreviating ‘COLD’) encircles the rest of the logo, the T and 7 blend together to create the ‘open’ stage – an openness that showcases our willingness to pursue growth and embrace new talent. The shades of blue and black, meanwhile, represent the depth and stability that we seek to build as the years progress… years that we hope YOU will be a part of.